Πρίγκιπας Χάρι – Μέγκαν Μαρκλ: Πού ετοιμάζονται να μεταναστεύσουν;

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 28/10/2019 10:12

Πρίγκιπας Χάρι – Μέγκαν Μαρκλ: Πού ετοιμάζονται να μεταναστεύσουν;

Ο γάμος της Μέγκαν Μαρκλ με τον πρίγκιπα Χάρι είναι ίσως ο πιο πολυσυζητημένος βασιλικός γάμος των τελευταίων δεκαετιών.

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Очень красивая пара😍❤ Счастья и бесконечной любви им❤ #princeharry #meganmarkle #harrymegan #royalwedding

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Η άλλη πλευρά του παραμυθιού

Αν και οι περισσότεροι συγκινήθηκαν από τον έρωτα του όμορφου πρίγκιπα με την διάσημη ηθοποιό, το ζευγάρι δέχθηκε σκληρή – και συχνά ρατσιστική – κριτική από τα βρετανικά tabloids αλλά και από Βρετανούς πολίτες.

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This evening, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended the annual #WellChildAwards in London. WellChild aims to ensure every child and young person living with serious health needs has the best chance to thrive with the support and medical care needed in the comfort of their own home. The Duke of Sussex became Patron of WellChild in 2007, and last year both The Duke and Duchess attended the awards to honour the children and families that WellChild supports. The Duke, who first came to these awards over a decade ago, shared in his remarks tonight: “Last year when my wife and I attended we knew we were expecting our first child – no one else did at the time, but we did – and I remember squeezing Meghan’s hand so tightly during the awards, both of us thinking what it would be like to be parents one day, and more so, what it would be like to do everything we could to protect and help our child should they be born with immediate challenges or become unwell over time.  And now, as parents, being here and speaking to all of you pulls at my heart strings in a way I could have never understood until I had a child of my own.” • To find out more about tonight’s event and how you can support this very special organisation, please visit @WellChild Photos ©️ PA images

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Παράλληλα, οργιάζουν οι φήμες για την κακή σχέση του ζευγαριού με τον αδελφό του Χάρι και μελλοντικό βασιλιά της Αγγλίας, πρίγκιπα Ουίλιαμ και τη σύζυγό του Κέιτ Μίντλετον.

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Three years ago 💙 #RoyalVisitCanada

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Έτσι, ίσως δεν θα έπρεπε να μας ξαφνιάζουν διάφορες πηγές από τον περίγυρο του ζευγαριού που ισχυρίζονται ότι σκοπεύουν να εγκαταλείψουν την Αγγλία.

Άλλωστε, πρόσφατα η Μέγκαν σε συνέντευξή της δήλωσε πως είναι δυστυχισμένη στη νέα της ζωή και πως δεν είχε πιστέψει τους Βρετανούς φίλους της που την προειδοποιούσαν ότι δεν θα ήταν κατάλληλη για εκείνη.

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In Tembisa, Johannesburg, today The Duke and Duchess visited to meet young entrepreneurs at the YES hub – a hive for creativity and social enterprise. Their visit was an amazing tour of the ingenuity and opportunity – seeing businesses that varied from food to essential sanitary products for local women. During their visit, they were able to sample food from ‘Chef Mish’ – a local masterchef winner – which he makes at the site as part of his catering business and cafe. They then joined YES community members to take part in training and tests that will help them gain skills and find work. On the third stop today, entrepreneur Moss showed The Duke and Duchess the organic produce he's growing in the township with aquaponics – supplying local restaurants. And finally, The Duke and Duchess met the women behind the amazing Blossom Care Solutions – who are making 80,000 sanitary pads every month for women in their community. They are 100% compostable, and provide an essential low-cost product for women and girls. The Duchess has long campaigned on this issue and wrote in Time magazine in 2017, saying: “In communities all over the globe, young girls’ potential is being squandered because we are too shy to talk about the most natural thing in the world. To that I say: we need to push the conversation, mobilize policy making surrounding menstrual health initiatives, support organizations who foster girls’ education from the ground up, and within our own homes, we need to rise above our puritanical bashfulness when it comes to talking about menstruation.” • See our previous post to see The Dukes speech #RoyalVisitSouthAfrica Photo ©️ PA images

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Πού σκέφτονται να μετακομίσουν η Μέγκαν και ο πρίγκιπας Χάρι;

Πριν δύο βδομάδες, η φημολογία γύρω από την επικείμενη μετακόμιση του ζευγαριού υποστήριζε πως σκέφτονται να ζήσουν στον Καναδά, μαζί με τον μικρούλη γιο τους, Άρτσι.

Τώρα όμως, κάνουν λόγο για μετακίνηση του πριγκιπικού ζεύγους στην Αφρική!

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While in Johannesburg today, The Duchess of Sussex visited Victoria Yards, which celebrates the power of community, bringing local artisans and “makers” together to rebuild, support and learn from each other on a holistic level. It was an exceptional afternoon where The Duchess had the chance to connect with the children and founders of the phenomenal programme for kids’ development Timbuktu in The Valley. She was also struck by the local denim designer who founded eponymous brand Tshepo who shared this info about the logo for his line: “The crown on my jeans represents the three ladies who raised me. Enjoy wearing this crown.” Such a beautiful and touching sentiment! Artists, artisans, sculptors, metal workers and carpenters are all part of the fabric of Victoria Yards, but it also utilizes the power of The DICE programme which supports several other local organisations in their work with marginalised youth and women. These include: 94 Colours (run by The Duchess’ guides for the day, Hector and Sibusiso), CDP (a development programme for young unemployed and marginalised women that provides training to start creative enterprises), Enke (rebuilds the confidence and self-belief of unemployed youth through training and practical experience), 26’10 South (an architecture firm designing a local youth centre) and ReimagiNation (works with local secondary school students to create a social and creative enterprising mindset). Stay tuned for more updates from this special afternoon… #RoyalVisitSouthAfrica

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Η δήλωση που ενισχύει τις φήμες

Η φήμη συνάδει και με μια δήλωση του πρίγκιπα Χάρι στα πλαίσια ντοκιμαντέρ για το ταξίδι με την Μέγκαν Μαρκλ στην Αφρική. Συγκεκριμένα, ο πρίγκιπας είπε: «Δεν ξέρω σε ποιο μέρος της Αφρικής θα μπορούσαμε να ζήσουμε αυτή τη στιγμή. Μόλις επιστρέψαμε από το Κέιπ Τάουν. Θα μπορούσε να είναι ένα υπέροχο μέρος για να έχουμε τη βάση μας. Όμως με όλα τα προβλήματα που υπάρχουν στην περιοχή… Δεν βλέπω πώς θα μπορούσαμε να βοηθήσουμε με τον τρόπο που θα θέλαμε».

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While at Victoria Yards in Johannesburg this afternoon, The Duchess of Sussex had the opportunity to learn more about the importance of, and how to enable a ‘wellbeing economy’ thanks to Co-Director of the Maker’s Valley Partnership, Simon Sizwe. Simon was awarded a full scholarship to attend the Young African Leaders Initiative programme initiated by President Obama, and he explained that by investing in the overall well-being of a community and its people, and focusing on that economy, you can enrich everyone for a better quality of life. She also met with the owners of Sobae Frozen, an entrepreneurial duo who created their small business as a solution to food waste, creating vegan sorbet from unused fruit from Victoria Yards. At the end of her visit, The Duchess was moved by the original poetry of Belita Andre, the winner of the Poetry Grandslam. In her reading she said: “The Maker’s Valley is a social and enterprise hub, a wave between my corner of the world and yours. Insisting that beyond the anchors of survival. How to make sure that everyone gets to shore, pass around an ocean of stars, not because our sleepless nights are equal but because our dreams are.” • #RoyalVisitSouthAfrica

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Πηγή από το παλάτι υποστήριξε στο περιοδικό Us Weekly ότι «ο Χάρι θέλει να χτίσει το σπίτι τους σε μια απομονωμένη περιοχή ώστε ο Αρτσι να μεγαλώσει μέσα στη φύση. Θέλει να του μάθει να κάνει και ιππασία».

Αν και κανείς δεν μπορεί να είναι βέβαιος για το βαθμό αλήθειας των πληροφοριών, ποιος θα μπορούσε να τους κατηγορήσει αν τελικά αποφασίσουν να εγκαταλείψουν την Αγγλία;

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