Ο KAWS διαθέτει αντίγραφα έργων του για καλό σκοπό

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 20/04/2020 08:01

Ο KAWS διαθέτει αντίγραφα έργων του για καλό σκοπό

Τις επόμενες ημέρες, ο KAWS, ο καλλιτέχνης που έχει πλέον πάρει διαστάσεις φαινομένου στην διεθνή αγορά έργων τέχνης, ξεκινά τη διάθεση περιορισμένου αριθμού αντιγράφων έργων του, τα έσοδα από τα οποία θα πηγαίνουν κάθε φορά σε διαφορετική οργάνωση αγαθοεργιών.

Στους αγοραστές τους δίνεται η ευκαιρία να αποκτήσουν έργο του KAWS σε πολύ χαμηλή τιμή και, ταυτόχρονα, να κάνουν μια καλή πράξη.

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I’m happy to announce that over the next few days I will be releasing a few small editions of shaped prints to support different charities. This print pictured will support @freeartsnyc programming. Many of the vulnerable children they serve are staying in crowded shelters with little access to resources needed to stay inspired and resilient. Please consider supporting the organization, via a donation on their website or by purchasing a print, to raise money for supplies, activity kits, and virtual mentoring for their youth.
 Each signed and numbered print, from an edition of 25 plus 5 artist proofs, is approximately 10.5 inches tall x 8 inches wide and available for $1200 (shipping included). All profits will be donated to Free Arts NYC. To request purchase, email  [email protected] with FREEARTSNYC in the subject line and include your full name, shipping address, and phone number. 25 people will be selected to purchase the print and will be contacted with payment instructions. If you are interested in being placed in line to buy a print from the soon-to-be announced editions for other charities, please mention that in your email. All prints will be packed and shipped once stay-at-home orders are lifted in NYC. THANK YOU! #KAWS

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Το πρώτο από αυτά είναι αντίγραφο μιας σιλουέτας από το «Peanuts», για την ακρίβεια του Snoopy.

Είκοσι πέντε αντίτυπα αυτού του έργου, υπογεγραμμένα και αριθμημένα από τον καλλιτέχνη, θα διατεθούν στην τιμή των 1.200 δολαρίων το ένα και το σύνολο των εσόδων θα δοθεί στη μη κυβερνητική οργάνωση Free Arts NYC, η οποία προσφέρει προγράμματα και διδασκαλία τέχνης σε νέους στους οποίους το σύστημα δεν δίνει ίσες ευκαιρίες.

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Today I’m offering this print edition to benefit Food Bank NYC @foodbank4nyc Each print is signed and numbered, from an edition of 25 plus 5 artist proofs, approximately 10.25 inches tall x 9.75 inches wide and available for $1200 (shipping included). All profits from the sale of these prints will be donated to foodbanknyc.org. THANK YOU for the amazing response I received for the first two print editions. It’s also really great to see those of you who donated directly to @freeartsnyc and @henrystreetsettlement —apart from the print project! I encourage you to do the same for foodbanknyc.org; any amount is appreciated. Anyone who emailed about the first two editions will be automatically considered for this third edition. If you haven’t emailed [email protected] yet, feel free to send your full name, address and phone number, with “Food Bank NYC” in the subject line, to be considered. But please DO NOT send a second email if you already entered a submission for one of the first two prints. www.foodbanknyc.org THANK YOU!!! #KAWS

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THANK YOU for the amazing response I received for the first shaped print edition I posted last Friday to benefit @freeartsnyc. I appreciate everyone who reached out and also thanks to those who donated directly to Free Arts in addition to the print project! We have received a tremendous amount of interest and will be reaching out to those of you selected, at random, for the first print shortly. I am pleased to announce that this next edition will benefit @henrystreetsettlement in their efforts to provide thousands of meals a week for homebound seniors, homeless adults and children in shelters, as well as on-site healthcare. Each print is signed and numbered, from an edition of 25 plus 5 artist proofs, approximately 4 inches tall x 14.5 inches wide and available for $1200 (shipping included). All profits will be donated to Henry Street Settlement. Anyone who emailed about the first edition will be automatically considered for this second edition. If you haven’t emailed [email protected] yet, feel free to send your full name, address and phone number to be considered. But please DO NOT send a second email if you already entered a submission for the first print. And please consider donating, in any amount you can, directly to Henry Street Settlement http://henrystreet.org/donate

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Today I’m offering this print edition to benefit the Jersey City COVID-19 RELIEF FUND organized by the JCEDC This Fund provides resources and support to the City’s most vulnerable residents: it will help minimize hardships for needy families and seniors by improving access to food and other necessities. The Fund will also invest in the local economy by helping small businesses and nonprofits — the backbone of neighborhoods in Jersey City— get back on their feet. Each print is signed and numbered, from an edition of 25 plus 5 artist proofs, approximately 10.25 inches tall x 9.75 inches wide and available for $1200 (shipping included). All profits from the sale of these prints will be donated to http://jcedc.org. The winners for the first two editions have already been contacted and the winners of the third will be contacted shortly. Anyone who emailed about the first three editions will be automatically considered for this fourth edition. If you haven’t emailed [email protected] yet, feel free to send your full name, address and phone number to be considered. But please DO NOT send another email if you already entered a submission for any of the first three prints. http://jcedc.org THANK YOU!!! KAWS

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«Πολλά από τα ευάλωτα παιδιά τα οποία φροντίζουν ζουν σε καταλύματα όπου συνωστίζονται πολλοί, με μικρή πρόσβαση σε βοηθήματα που χρειάζονται για να παραμείνουν εμπνευσμένα και ανθεκτικά» έγραψε ο Brian Donnelly -αυτό είναι το όνομά του- στον λογαριασμό του στο Instagram.

«Παρακαλώ, εξετάστε το ενδεχόμενο να στηρίξετε την οργάνωση μέσω δωρεάς στον ιστότοπό της ή με την αγορά ενός αντιγράφου, ώστε να συγκεντρωθούν χρήματα για προμήθειες, kit δραστηριοτήτων και εικονική διδασκαλία αυτών των νέων. Είκοσι πέντε άτομα έχουν τη δυνατότητα να αγοράσουν το αντίγραφο.

Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι ας στείλουν μήνυμα ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου στη διεύθυνση @kaws.com, αναγράφοντας «FREEARTSNYC» στο πεδίο του θέματος. Σύντομα θα ανακοινωθούν μελλοντικές εκδόσεις έργων για καλούς σκοπούς».

Για όσους επιθυμούν να αποκτήσουν έργο KAWS, η ευκαιρία είναι μεγάλη.

Πέρυσι, τα μοναδικά αντίγραφα έργων του συνήθως έπιαναν 18.723 δολάρια το ένα, κατά μέσον όρο, στις δημοπρασίες. Φέτος, προς ώρας πιάνουν κατά μέσον όρο 14.000 δολάρια το ένα.

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