Κοροναϊός : Πως «υποδέχθηκε» το Twitter το πρώτο κρούσμα στην Ελλάδα

Μετά τα κρούσματα του κοροναϊού στη γειτονική Ιταλία, η εμφάνιση κρούσματος και στη δική μας χώρα, ήταν για πολλούς θέμα χρόνου. Η είδηση δεν αποτέλεσε συνεπώς έκπληξη αλλά επιβεβαίωση της φυσικής συνέχειας της εξάπλωσης του ιού. Παρόλα αυτά, άνθρωποι από όλο τον κόσμο αντέδρασαν άμεσα στην είδηση του πρώτου κρούσματος , την ώρα που τα παγκόσμια Μέσα, διέκοψαν με έκτακτες ενημερώσεις τη ροή των ειδήσεών τους.
Δείτε παρακάτω χαρακτηριστικά tweets:
#Greece has confirmed its first #coronavirus case, a 38-year-old Greek woman who had traveled from an area of northern #Italy.https://t.co/R7o4CCpUPu
— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) February 26, 2020
Greece reports its first #COVID19 case, a 38-year-old Greek woman who traveled to Italy recently, local health authority says pic.twitter.com/DsK6CokWdu
— CGTN (@CGTNOfficial) February 26, 2020
Greece confirms first coronavirus case
— TRT World Now (@TRTWorldNow) February 26, 2020
Now Greece. Damn. This crap is making it’s rounds quickly. https://t.co/D1oQU1yWVM
— Alicia (@harlowsrus) February 26, 2020
#Greece has confirmed its first #coronavirus case, the health ministry said on Wednesday.
The patient was a 38-year-old Greek woman who had travelled from an area of Northern #Italy #COVIDー19 pic.twitter.com/ugm0NdUrHp
— Nihat Kerem A. (@oart7218) February 26, 2020
Greece confirms first coronavirus case https://t.co/5wDjkyDT8Y
— David Kisamfu (@thedextazlab) February 26, 2020
Greece has a case. You guessed it: they returned from a trip to northern Italy. https://t.co/NmJphzNCya
— Daniel Sinclair (@_DanielSinclair) February 26, 2020
Greece confirms first coronavirus case; patient traveled to Italy https://t.co/8f2OjArJgO
— Devdiscourse (@dev_discourse) February 26, 2020
URGENT: #Greece has confirmed its first #coronavirus case, the health ministry said on Wednesday.
The patient was a 38-year-old Greek woman who had travelled from an area of northern #Italy, said Sotiris Tsiodras, a representative of the Ministry of Health.
— AS-Source News (@ASBreakingNews) February 26, 2020
URGENT: #Greece has confirmed its first #coronavirus case, the health ministry said on Wednesday.
The patient was a 38-year-old Greek woman who had travelled from an area of northern #Italy, said Sotiris Tsiodras, a representative of the Ministry of Health.
— AS-Source News (@ASBreakingNews) February 26, 2020