Βίκτορ Σκρεμπνέσκι : Πέθανε ο θρυλικός φωτογράφος των σταρ

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 06/04/2020 15:30

Βίκτορ Σκρεμπνέσκι : Πέθανε ο θρυλικός φωτογράφος των σταρ

Ο Βίκτορ Σκρεμπνέσκι, ο θρυλικός φωτογράφος μόδας που έγινε γνωστός για τις δραματικές ασπρόμαυρες φωτογραφίες διάσημων, πέθανε  σε ηλικία 90 ετών, νικημένος από τον καρκίνο.

Ο Βίκτορ Σκρεμπνέσκι πέθανε το Σάββατο (5/4) στο σπίτι του στο Σικάγο, όπως ανακοινώθηκε από τις αρχές της κομητείας Κουκ.

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#victorskrebneski #skrebneskiphotograph #skrebneski RIP 🇵🇱 📸https://variety.com/2020/biz/news/victor-skrebneski-dead-dies-photographer-1234571374/

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Στην 70ετή καριέρα του, ο αμερικανός φωτογράφος συνεργάστηκε με το Φεστιβάλ Κινηματογράφου του Σικάγο και φωτογράφισε διάσημες προσωπικότητες, όπως οι Μπέτι Ντέιβις, Όντρεϊ Χέπμπορν, Ντέιβιντι Μπόουι, Ντένις Χόπερ, Σίντι Κρόφορντ, Μπαράκ και Μισέλ Ομπάμα.

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I was so saddened to hear about the death of #VictorSkrebneski. Working with Victor was one of the great privileges of my modeling career. He was my first mentor and taught me so much about the art of modeling and photography. Those years I spent on his set under the beautiful lighting being directed by a true artist, prepared me for my life in fashion, but also, his elegance and sophistication shaped my definition of a true gentleman. He will be missed. 🤍

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Ο Βίκτορ Σκρεμπνέσκι με μια ματιά

Φώτιζε τις γραμμές και τις καμπύλες του προσώπου σαν διευθυντής φωτογραφίας της χρυσής εποχής του Χόλιγουντ.

Γεννημένος το 1929 στο Σικάγο, από γονείς πολωνικής και ρωσικής καταγωγής, ο Βίκτορ Σκρεμπνέσκι φοίτησε στη Σχολή του Ινστιτούτου Τέχνης του Σικάγου και στο Ινστιτούτο Τεχνολογίας του Ιλινόις.

Ξεκίνησε από τη ζωγραφική και τη γλυπτική προτού κάνει τη μετάβαση στη φωτογραφία.

Έδειξε κάποιες από τις φωτογραφίες του στον φωτογραφίες Χάρι Καλάχαν, ο οποίος τον προέτρεψε να επισκεφτεί εκδότες περιοδικών στη Νέα Υόρκη.

«Δεν ήταν δική μου απόφαση να στραφώ στη φωτογραφία, απλά συνέβη. Η φωτογραφία ήταν κάτι που ερωτεύτηκα και αποφάσισα ότι ήθελα να κάνω για το υπόλοιπο της ζωής μου, γιατί μου άρεσε» είχε πει ο Βίκτορ Σκρεμπνέσκι.

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Sad to hear about the passing of Victor Skrebneski, the legendary and iconic Chicago based photographer to the stars. Victor’s vision and creativity was truly an inspiration to me. I had the opportunity to photograph him early in my career. I’ll never forgot the day I missed a call shortly after from an unknown number. When I checked my voicemail, it was Victor. He said to call him at his studio. Here’s a repost of my original story below… In a 1985 article in the Chicago Tribune, Cindy Crawford says of Victor, “I know I respect him as much as I've ever respected anyone…’ ‘Crawford credits Skrebneski with teaching her how to hold her body, show off the clothes, work with the camera and pay attention to the light (Swartz, Chicago Tribune, 2016)’”. The photo was for a documentary style portrait series I was shooting to be displayed in a famous Chicago landmark. I had about 5 minutes to execute it using an on camera flash. The very hesitant subject was Victor Skrebneski, a photographer who let very few photos of himself be published. Needless to say, that day when Victor arrived to have me take a quick hero photo, he immediately started sizing me up. We looked at one another as if a duel was about to take place. Kind of like standing in the Wild Wild West at high noon, the sun reaching its apex. Then it began, like an intricate dance between us. A step forward and a step backwards, a step to the right and a step to the left. Literally we were moving back and forth taking pictures for 2-3 minutes while I tweaked with the light and the movement. And that was that… A few weeks later I got a voicemail…”Hi Jeff this is Victor, give me a call.” My first thought was that he was going to impart some critical wisdom upon my psyche, question my technique, or just tell me he thought the photo sucked. So I called him back, a few rings go by and he picks up the phone. I tell him who I am, and he says “ah yes Jeff, I got the picture. It's one of my favorite portraits of me i’ve ever received.” He offered to put it in his book, even put in a good word for me to Cindy Crawford. You’ll be missed Victor. #jeffschearvisuals

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When I was a younger girl, my life was a mess.. some of the few luxuries I had was the ability to read and listen. Soo, Anytime I had the opportunity to put my hands on a cosmopolitan,town and country magazine I would take it! While living on the streets of Massachusetts I used to walk into random offices. I would sit down just to read whatever they had. Ha I looked at every add of Elegance, study every line of every picture worth viewing making myself, my own detailed critic by the time I was fifteen years old I was cutting out pictures of my most favorite model, which was #cindycrawford Through watching her career as well as others, photography became an art I love so much.. #victorskrebneski not only showed incredible talent in his work but was one of my faves. Even though you had a vivacious successful and full life it's still saddens me there won't be another! ❤️RIP #photography #beauty #model #modeling #elegance #perfection #theeye #lens #camera #stilllife #action #itsarap

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#victorskrebneski #dianaross #johnmalkovich #bettedavis #andywarhol #dennishopper

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Victor Skrebneski photograph of Diana Ross, part of the “What becomes a legend most?”, Blackgama, advertising campaign. Mr. Skrebneski passed away, at 90, today. #skrebneski #victorskrebneski #dianaross #missross #whatbecomesalegendmost #blackglama

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